Maryland Permanently Preserves 55 Working Farms

ANNAPOLIS, MD (June 6, 2024) ~ Annapolis, MD - On June 5, 2024, the Maryland Board of Public Works made a significant decision to protect farmland in the state. During their meeting, they approved 55 new easements from the Maryland Agricultural Preservation Foundation, which will permanently preserve 6,370 acres of prime farmland. This investment of over $31 million will benefit counties such as Carroll, Cecil, Charles, Dorchester, Frederick, Garrett, Harford, Montgomery, Queen Anne's, Somerset, Talbot, Washington, Wicomico and Worcester.

According to Maryland Department of Agriculture Secretary Kevin Atticks, this move recognizes the importance of farmland in our society. He stated that "land is the foundation of our food, our culture, our communities and our heritage." He also expressed gratitude towards the farmers who have agreed to preserve their land for a more sustainable future.

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The Maryland Agricultural Preservation Foundation was established in 1977 as part of the Maryland Department of Agriculture. Its main purpose is to purchase agricultural preservation easements from willing farmers in order to protect prime farmland and woodland forever.

A chart listing all the easements broken down by county is available for viewing. This achievement aligns with the state's goal of conserving 30% of land by 2030 as outlined in the Maryland the Beautiful Act passed by the Maryland General Assembly in 2023. With these newly-approved easements, the state is now on track to meet its next goal of conserving 40% of state land by 2040.

For more information on this decision and its impact on farmland preservation in Maryland, interested parties can contact Michelle Cable at (410) 841-5860 or As we continue to prioritize preserving our land for future generations and promoting sustainable agriculture practices, this decision marks a significant step forward for Maryland's agricultural community.

Filed Under: Government, State

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