InventHelp Inventor Develops Disposable Covering for Stethoscopes (BDH-357)

PITTSBURGH, Jan. 13, 2025 ~ Glen Burnie, Md. - A registered nurse from Glen Burnie, Md. has invented a new accessory for stethoscopes that aims to improve sanitary conditions in healthcare facilities. The inventor, who wishes to remain anonymous, came up with the idea for the STETHO - GLOVE after noticing a lack of simple sterile accessories for stethoscopes.

The STETHO - GLOVE is a practical and easy-to-use design that covers the area of the stethoscope that comes in contact with patients. This ensures that a clean stethoscope is readily available and helps reduce the spread of germs and viruses.

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The original design was submitted to the Baltimore sales office of InventHelp and is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers. Interested parties can contact InventHelp for more information at Dept. 23-BDH-357, 100 Beecham Drive, Suite 110, Pittsburgh, PA 15205-9801 or by calling (412) 288-1300 ext. 1368.

InventHelp is a company that specializes in helping inventors bring their ideas to market through their Invention Submission Services. To learn more about this service, visit With the STETHO - GLOVE, healthcare facilities can ensure a higher level of sanitation and patient care while also making the job easier for medical professionals.
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